february in 43 seconds


> istanbul diaries

i’m making a habit of distilling each month into 60 seconds or less. it takes me about 3 hours. for some reason I only want an odd number of seconds, not even. in the month of february, i started making myself at home in my apartment in istanbul.

some art i made:
a lotus tattoo
my hand shadow
cafe, sun, & cigarettes
pudding cake
full moon
living at the bottom of a well
discovering yildiz park and ortaköy

some things I did:

furnished my room, minimally
went to a selda bağcan concert
made a black pheonix out of clay
ate smiley face pancakes
took the boat to kadikoy on full moon
went walking in different parks
dealt with a broken button on a washing machine + stove

many other things i can’t remember now…

in this series:

last month: january in 39 seconds
last year: 2021 in 119 seconds