being nourished by pudding cake

can always do more but i call it done.


istanbul diaries

last week there was a entire pan of this pudding cake sitting in the oven, and i’d completely forget about it, and then when I suddenly remembered, i’d open the oven and eat two or three pieces - as the first bite i ate in the day - and it made me feel so nourished, despite being a cake full of chocolate pudding.


i did this drawing over ~2 sittings of around 1 hour each.

this drawing is only 1/2 done. 1 hour in.


i’m not sure when was the last time a man made me a cake. i think… never. this is the first.


some years ago, i started a ritual of making myself birthday cakes (here’s my 30th)- and it was far better than anything storebought.

when i lived in berlin with two roommates, they would make cakes, and i’d make cakes. as an act of giving: indulgence and pleasure. to ourselves.


two sundays ago, the sunlight came in the afternoon and i couldn’t help but feeling so warm, so nourished, so full, so in love with the light and dark of this scene. so i took this picture. and today i drew it.

nourishment is about more than the ingredients - it is about the intention behind creation. the energy. the aftertaste. the feeling of being satiated - not just being full.

this pudding cake had a subtle sweetness to it. it was:

sweet, but without the sugar hangover
too much, but i still wanted more
simple, but deceptively delicious
soft, but composed
for children, but somehow still elegant
