the deep integration of art, business, and friendship: off the grid interview with amelia hruby


a few months ago, I had a conversation with one of my oldest, closest friends Amelia Hruby on her podcast Off the Grid — a podcast about marketing and business off social media. Amelia is the founder of Softer Sounds, and one of the most astutely sharp, intuitively connected, and grounded business people I know. Amelia’s podcast¹ is an amazing resource for creative entrepreneurs learning how to do marketing with ease and energetic sovereignty.

in this 75 minute conversation, we explore:

  • my journey as an artist entrepreneur

  • dissolving the binary of art vs money

  • human design & business success as a Projector

  • the internet as a creative practice

  • building a beautiful world with your website

  • allowing yourself to want more

  • re-conceiving the personal brand

there’s so many amazing episodes on her podcast — some of my favorites include:

Success is a Cycle
How to Show Up as Your Full Self in Business & Life with Samara Bay
Re-Building Your Business Around Your Capacity with Jen Carrington
Creative Business as a World-Building Practice with Ayana Zaire Cotton

¹and I totally wish it existed back in 2019, when I was flailing and miserable, forcing myself to be on Instagram even though I hated it).

two years ago I made this animated Margaret Atwood poem, Sleep, as a wedding gift for Amelia - and it’s one of my favorites.