a manifesto
visual guides
websites as gardens
the course


a manifesto


you don’t belong in a box. your dreams can outgrow your resume. you don’t need to dilute yourself. don’t try to be palettable. your work is more than a showroom. you are more than the sum of your parts. you have nothing to prove. to anyone. including yourself.

your website can feel like a home you inhabit, slowly. a garden of growing things. an evolving ecosystem. a gift for kindred strangers. an ongoing conversation. it can be a place where you allow yourself to show up, unapologetically. you can be complex, multi-faceted, non-linear, changing. you can be brave.

so, give yourself permission to inhabit space. create new spaces to hold. connect. speak your truth. carry a vision.

if you could create that place for your soul, on the etherspere, what shape would it take? what will you plant inside? what does your voice long to say?


visual guides

websites as gardens, ecosystems, and infinity spaces

"a gentle, loving process"


"powerful and succinct"

"a gentle, loving process" ~ "powerful and succinct"


house on the webs course

build your web house in 10 days