perissa beach | black sand post-apocalypse world


santorini diaries
backdated: nov 28. 2021


have you ever been to a black sand beach? it feels a bit like an exquisitely beautiful, post-apocalyptic (post-volcanic) world.

instead of resting your eyes on white sand as soft as snow, as fine as flour - the sand is black - and still soft. it feels like eating black bread, or black rice, or drinking black sesame soy milk. you have the distinct impression that it’s extra nutritous, and unplaceably mysterious.

the apocalypse (or volcanic explosion) has already happened - and this is what remains. it’s like waking up inside a dark (but still beautiful) dream.


this is what I did one day in santorini - when I was so tired and sleepy I could barely leave the house, but I forced myself to walk (nearly run) to catch the 1:40pm bus, which winded around the island for forty-five minutes, before dropping me and two american girls (in shorts!) at perissa beach.

I laid there on the sand and took a semi-nap, then walked along its shores and waited for the bus back. this was late november. most of the tavernas were closed. too cold to swim, but not too cold to nap to the sound of waves from the other side of the island.

I would recommend. I wish I had a jar, so I could have taken some black sand back to my future home - like the ashes of a dream.


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