nourishing internet walks

a log of meandering walks through the internet. a place to remember things that have inspired me.

monday may 22 2023, 9:10am

  • this graphic of a firefly’s life cycle, accompanied by this text. last night, when my boyfriend called me from military service (somewhere in the mountains, close to the border of Greece), he told me that he saw the first fireflies of the season. he wanted to name his future cafe after the word firefly. can you believe they exist for ~95% of their lives just to flash for a hot second???

  • that was posted by Laurel Schwulst to her channel Firefly Sanctuary, which is her name for her Brooklyn apartment and poetic website that represents that space. I read this interview with her, a website is a sanctuary, and visited her Firefly Sanctuary site, and what my version of that might look like, for my istanbul (or future) homes.

  • I followed her links to Winnie Lim’s blog (someone else had sent her work to me, some months ago) and felt like I was reading someone’s private, articulate journal, almost like I shouldn’t be reading it.

  • I followed Winnie' Lim’s link to — a designer who made this video of 365 days of drawings on the Apple Notes app. what a perfect container for creativity: unexpected, low pressure, limited.

  • I followed Laurel Schwulst’s link to this Pomera keyboard - a portable e-ink device. it’s like the kindle, except in reverse? something of a cross between typewriter + tablet?

Kening Zhu