unimpressed with spring


i am unimpressed with spring, says the cat.

istanbul diaries, spring

the cat in the park gave a stinkeye to luna as we walked past. they haven’t yet cut the grass - so it looked wild and green and almost like a forest, despite being a dense, tiny urban park, very hilly, barely a park but more like a miniature model of a park. this is one of the joys of having a dog: being forced to slow down and walk the same paths a gazillion times until you’re so bored, you’re forced to look for something new. this morning at 7 am I noticed all the dog owners wore leashes around their necks while their dogs roamed free. a woman was carrying a coffee mug (not even a thermos!) and smoking a cigarette while her dog sniffed luna, and i thought: good call. coffee gives me ingestion at that hour (and i don’t smoke), but she looks like she’s savoring the little things. this is the life.