making inner space


I’ve been thinking about how the act of making inner space can mean so many things:

  • cultivating a distance (a breath, a pause) between thoughts and reactions, the inner world and outer world, between one’s core self — and all that which we encounter

  • the process of un-suffocation, de-overwhelming, un-crowding the psyche from the things that inhabit and push against it: anxieties, to-do lists, urges, wants, obsessions. to allow it the luxury of bathing in a feeling of safety, spaciousness, and ease. this is inner space.

  • holding the most expansive version of oneself — infinite, fluid possibilities — within the container of the physical and energetic body, here and now.

  • holding the the universe within the body. whatever the universe means to you.

the cure to all states of overwhelm IS the practice of making inner space. when I’m off-center, it’s not so much returning to “myself” so much as it is returning to a clearing within the forest, within me.

I set the intention, and trust in my body to find the way. it doesn’t take much, but it does take consistency. a meandering walk alone in the city, a luxurious afternoon journaling in bed, a long night sleeping, a book, a movie, an exhale.

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