make a medicine song playlist

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here is a good thing to have in your emotional medicinal closet — a personalized playlist of medicine songs. by that i mean: a short curation of songs to listen to when you're feeling especially terrible, and need to self-soothe, ground, or remind yourself that the apocalyptic world in your head — is not the end-all-be-all version of reality. sound — and music — is so healing, and requires no effort to absorb. you just press play.

over the years, i've had several medicine song playlists — a rotating curation of music which all had a soothing or cathartic effect on my inner ecosystem. i'm sharing my current playlist below, but i think that for this to truly work for you, it has to be your own selection. something you refine and curate over time, and listen to enough times to trigger the self-soothing mechanism within you.