intentions for my visual practice


artist diary

since starting to teach visual play camp, part of the greatest gifts it’s given me is to help me think more about what i want to create. i’ve been working on a “visual wishlist” for a long time now, on and off — and today i sat down to finally map everything on a page.

forms i want to explore — print & analog. card decks, comics, website art & stories, zines, objects, bags, books in print & digital, travelogue guides, downloadable paper magic & pdfs, misc. experiments, animated moments, gifs, animations, animated poems, journals, phone backgrounds, wallets, mobile adventures, journeys

subjects i want to explore
— cats and animals in general, bodies and body parts and anatomy, in motion, cities, urban landscapes, istanbul, surrealist dream lands, inner worlds, food, places distilled, tango, nature, luna

misc. inspiration - study/research artists in history to make my own masterclass, website exhibiiton, photography, textiles, clothes, handmade tactile things, collage, poetry, film, dance, movement, a digestion of life, spiritual life

the dichotomy of energies i want to embody:
expansion/experimentation/spontaneity — AND — deepening/collecting/exhibitions.

which means that I want to create collected bodies of work, organized by thematic thread — which I can share, as well as one-off short, quick spontaneous experiments. I need both, otherwise I’ll feel bored and stifled, or ungrounded and all over the place.