end of the menstrual cycle mood


mood diaries

today i could barely even summon the energy to draw this picture. i’m noticing how it feels in stark contrast to last week— when i wrote those long posts on artist-entrepreneur, as though i was possessed. today/this week i can barely remember what i wrote, and now i mostly feel like floating in a tub of dark water, listening to whale songs, and experiencing a no-dream kind of sleep.

my end of the menstrual cycle days are characterized by —

  • staring into the void

  • feeling like the living dead

  • general amnesia and life disorientation

  • breasts feel like water balloons of increasing weight in water

  • vague unidentifiable discomforts

  • mind is easily sticky and dangerously spirally

today i was doing a bit of research on the menstrual cycle as it relates to creativity and energy — and found this lovely, beautiful article, which linked me to the website of this period coach. i can’t believe i’ve had a period for so long without actively experimenting with — and truly honoring — how i can be more in “sync” with it.

mostly, i think the conception of having a period has felt like a nuisance in a linear/masculine dominated world. it’s frustrating to be like… wait… I just went from 100mph to 10mph… what’s wrong with me?!? deconditioning from all of that is a lot of work, but i think i’m ready to begin, now — at least the process of experimentation and discovery.

how would i feel if i lived more in alignment with my cycle?

in what ways can this alignment help me embody myself?

this is the question i’m putting out there.