the master key to everything


is to lose oneself in the here-nowness of the present moment — whatever it contains. not to endeavor to solve every problem — but to recognize that all problems ultimately only exist in the mind, and are created by the mind. the mind is the ultimate problem machine, and the ultimate problem solver. so the meta-task is to dance around (and with) this mind, so that we can experience each moment as it’s meant to be lived: fully, with our senses. each moment is glistening and vibrating — like a crystal held up to the sun.

in 2019, i had a year where it rained 350 days out of the year (the weather in keningland, that is) and the book which was my magic rock was Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. I first flipped through this book when I was thirteen, in a barnes & nobles bookstore in north carolina — but it took me another fifteen years to truly understand it. the power of now is the master key to everything. you just have to know how to turn the lock.