The internet I long to visit, build, and inhabit


after days of drawing in b&w, I finally used some color!

The internet I long to visit, build, and inhabit is a place I’d allow my mind and soul to luxuriate in.

It’s not a dopamine drug center, or a sticky trap of shiny objects, or a get-in-get-out kind of place — like a retail outlet, or a strip mall, or a road side gas station (though those places have their strange pleasures, too); it’s a sprawling botanical kingdom with a book-cafe overlooking the sea, serving decadant slices of lemon cake, roaming with a few affectionate animals, and an owner who sits down with you to chat. at least, this is my fantasical, sanctuary place. yours will be different.

That’s the point, though. The internet is expansive enough to contain all the esoteric spaces that nourish you. those spaces can feed you, stretch your imagination, challenge your preconceptions, and pull you, like a magnet, towards new adventures — digital and in real life.

This kind of internet open questions, ponders, and probes. It supports the building of personal pleasure and power. Pleasure: as in life-giving nourishment for your entire being. Power: as in, supporting transformation, possibility, and freedom — whatever those things might mean for you.

Most of the internet, as we know it now — doesn’t look like this, at all. But as a tool and technology, this was always what it could be.

This is what I want. These are the kinds of worlds I want to build and inhabit — digital environments where I can hold and be held, where I can be generous and generative, where I can pour my creativity in the collective river stream, tend to my botanical garden of magical seeds, and meet other creative people, halfway across the world, quietly doing the same thing.