the day i signed my istanbul apartment


> istanbul diaries

the day i signed a 1 year lease for my istanbul apartment, it felt so simple and natural it almost didn’t feel real. it was sunny and cold that day - and i couldn’t believe (still cannot believe) that - after two years of this nomadic life - this is the beginning of something new. I turned 30 and got my first apartment - to live alone.


it feels different than how i felt at age 18, arriving in new york city - a city where i tried so hard, but never grew roots in. i feel inexplicably as though whatever life i build here - will sprout into something more, meant to accumulate upon itself, rather than be dismantled by a gust of wind or will. the earth in istanbul — (or shall we say, water?) - nourishes me in ways that i can’t quite articulate, now.

but maybe, one day, I will.
