podcast art: the botanical studies of internet magic

draft version

*podcast launching in February 2024

I finally sat down and drew cover art for a podcast I’ll be launching in the next few months, called “botanical studies of internet magic.” I’ll explain the topics, ethos, and inspiration for this podcast in its first episode, but for now, I wanted to share its first manifestation in the digital world — as a square canvased piece of album art.

I’ve been wanting to start a podcast for many years, but it wasn’t until these last few months that I had a resonate title in my head. it felt right. it felt expansive enough to hold everything I wanted to share and explore on what it is like to make creative things on the internet — and, it could still hold space for more.

while I’m sure I could’ve drawn something even more evocative, philosophical, poetic, or poignant, overall I feel happy with this first iteration of the album art, which I drew in two sittings (see first draft, below) — and decided that I will NOT obsess over and use as an excuse to not record or post the podcast. so, hopefully, you’ll be hearing from me very very soon.