only the center can hold


only the center of me can hold — inner dualities, opposing desires, conflicting selves, light and dark, tender and rough, all the colors on the spectrum, all the moody weather my inner island, all the questions without answers — all of it, swirling together like a cloud of chaos. I have to choose each day to believe in this grounded place within me: a core which cannot be destroyed, only tested, examined, deepened — this core within that knows the right answers and the right time to ask hard questions.

the core within that I can trust and fall back on, even when the sky feels like it’s falling, and it seems as though I have nothing except a dark haze. there is a core within me that knows exactly what I need, what I want, how I wish to move through the world, and thus, the only task is to give space to it. nourish it. and day by day, to trust in this inner instinct; the center that can hold.

Kening Zhu