black cat istanbul life


istanbul diaries

i don’t really draw animals - maybe because i’ve never had an animal - but if black cats keep finding me in istanbul the way they have so far - then i expect i’ll have my “own” black cat soon.

this one is named reşo - meaning black in kurdish - and belongs to the host of the apartment i’m renting. i’ve spent 20 days in this apartment, in this city, with reşo - and it took me a week to realize that HE is the dominating character of my istanbul life. he is the one i come home to, wake up to, take naps with, play-fight with, and kiss one thousand times a day. i have never lived with an animal before, and i’m noticing how it radically changes the experience of time, and space. animal intimacy is an intimacy without words.


if objects in motion (me) tend to stay in motion - unless interrupted by an external force - then the black cat is my exteral force. perhaps not him specifically, but the soul of other black cats like him - who - i have no doubt - will continue to find me in this city, and teach me something about living an instinctual love without words.
