all the simit at the bottom of the bosphorous

i drew this in 2 hours.

istanbul diaries

i’m not sure why people like to throw simit (turkish sesame bagels) at seagulls - how does it not get boring - or are we so deprived of connection to animals and nature; are we so lost and grieving for our childhoods that we can spend an entire ferry ride to the islands (1.5 hours) throwing simit into the air. i sat on the side of the ferry and watched it happen on both sides of me — tourists throwing simit and having photographs of themselves taken - throwing simit - and i imagined that there must be a mountain of simit at the bottom of the bosphorous.

exhibition A, forward: hungry seagulls following ferry boat of tourists to prince islands

exhibition B, left - a husband takes photo of wife holding simit trying to feed the seagulls

exhibition C, right: russian girls take turns throwing simit at seagulls and taking photos