a pie chart of creative work energy


I’ve been so busy these days with client work - which is a great thing in many regards — in that I love the work I’m doing, and am experiencing a rebirth as a creative consultant and web creator. however, I have SO much more that I want to focus on. I can feel all the other sides of me (like multiple personalities, or demanding children) calling out for my attention in this internal ecosystem of my head. (that — on top of feeding myself and being alive and in my body, which I sometimes forget that I have).

today I made this pie chart in response to the question: if I were to consciously redistribute my energy/focus, what percentage of energy would go to which work?

ART — to feed my soul, a way of relating to the world
CLIENTS — to offer my creative services to entrepreneurs
IDEAS — to express my ethos, philosophy, visions, analysis
TEACHING — to share process and knowledge about I do
ECOSYSTEMS — to hold and deliver all of the above

but… does this well-balanced pie distribution even exist?

is it possible to “compartmentalize?” I tend to be obsessive when I do anything, to the expense of everything else.

but, perhaps the act of redistributing / balancing work energy is simply a matter of creating containers and boundaries. movement and flow.