truth is a glittering glacier

truth is a glittering glacier.jpg

truth is not a double-edged sword. truth is a glittering glacier — so enormous you cannot easily know it, not in its entirety, not from one vantage point. it is not easily photographed. nor captured in words. to truly see it, you must take on the vision of an eagle. give up on simple stories: the linear, if-then, beginning-middle-end kind. they are dangerous. instead, stretch your capacity for uncertainty. make your stories spacious enough to hold all truths, all possibilities in their fractured brilliance. and know that they are only approximations. turn your eyes into kaleidoscopes. make your heart big enough to hold the entire arctic. and sometimes things happen and truth falls off, too, like large chunks of ice, and the sound of it crashing into the sea is terrifying and soul shaking, and you might feel as if the entire earth is ending. but it is only one piece. the biggest danger to glaciers is your collective unconsciousness — which also kills polar bears, dries rivers, and poisons the ocean. but all I can do is promise to do everything I can to keep my glaciers safe. and you?