the places in my mind

places in my mind.jpg

all the places in my mind are the only true places I go. the rest is just a projection. and whatever reality I experience is simply a reflection of the mind-spaces I hold within me. the same physical place can be heaven, purgatory, or hell. the same person can be great lover or great enemy. so if this is the case, then is it not our most important priority — to thoroughly investigate, understand, and nurture the spaces of our minds?

I think this is why digital addiction and junk information offends me so much — because they clutter the mind spaces. and when we lose ourselves, or when we disappear into dark thoughts, it’s important to remember that we are not our minds. we are not the dark places within our minds. we are only travelers in it — and very powerful travelers, at that, in that we can shape the inner landscapes we travel in.

some mind spaces appear — and others, you have to nurture. tend to. consciously choose to go to. here are a few of my consciously constructed spaces:

  • inner sanctuary // where i feel grounded in myself, and safe
    accessed by — meditation, yoga, journaling, exercise

  • muse tidepool // where i enter into the flow of creative energy, connecting to something more divine. accessed by — any creative practice.

  • garden toolshed // where i sharpen my tools and begin to nurture my gardens (my work). accessed by — building this web house, refining technique, craft, etc.

  • honey brain castle // where i feed my associative mind and intellectual curiosity. accessed by — reading, culture, inspiration.

  • cabinets // where i organize my life and keep things tidy. accessed by — planning activities.

this map, of course, is ongoing. I’m still very much in the process of documenting the “unconscious” spaces — these days, living a dream-like life in Italy, I’ve found myself often in the lagoon of enchantment. then I feel existential fear and fall into the cracks — into the valley of frozen figurines, (anxiety) or abyss of melancholia, or swamp of bad lighting.

I might feel existential fear in the knowing that enchantments can end, and then the lighting looks very bad, and everything might one day become devoid of magic. but is this really the case? can even the lagoon of enchantment be a consciously constructed space — be distilled down, perhaps, into magic dust that I can then sprinkle onto any place, any experience, any moment?

if there is such a goal in life — this is it. this is the goal. to stay as little as possible in the dark places, and go towards the light. to find a sustainable self-enchantment, and to relish beauty in everything, every day, every moment.