the bird of here and now

here and now.jpg

I’ve been in an off mood. this berlin pandemic winter was so dark and so long it was almost… charming. I embraced it with both arms and sunk into the darkness. but now that spring is like a spider-thin, barely-there thread, just forming, I feel an old restlessness in me stirring again; an agitation for escape. for some other world. I want to hear another language besides german. to see other kinds of people on the street than… the world of hipster-ish berliners. I’ve been here for 6.5 months now - this berlin in lockdown - and I think I’ll stay until the end of summer, to drink in those seventeen hours of daylight & eternal blue sky weather. then, it’ll be time for the bird of here & now to move to another dimension.

isn’t it strange, how the instinct for movement is like an internal compass, sewn into us? I usually know — an entire season before — when it’s time to go. the where & when are the unsolved questions, but they too, reveal themselves in time.

above: a very inaccurate depiction of time + place as two planes intersecting, and a bird as a single point of movement in the third dimension. I need to learn more about the theory of time, because I don’t think this is right. consider it a rough sketch.