tarot work diary no. 4: the hierophant, four of swords, ace of pentacles


this is my tarot work diary ā€” an intuitive contemplative practice for my artist-business life.

the week prior, I pulled a spread very similar in structure to this one -- the hierophant, five of wands, ace of wands. I wrote about the previous spread as a message to: consider the role of spiritual leadership, embrace the fight within, and allow the hot mess to birth something new.

this week, my first reaction to these cards are: it sounds like (1) the hierophant STILL has important messages to tell me, (b) rest is something I've still ignoring for too long (c) the journey of the material/bodily world wants me to enter.

but, in reflecting with these cards, I'm seeing something more cohesive emerge -- an invitation into deepening embodiment and liminal/subconscious travels -- all the while, while serving as a guide for others.

a summary distillation

  • the hierophant: clarifying my values
  • 4 of swords: an invitation into the liminal wisdom
  • ace of pentacles: a practice of embodiment & materialization

the hierophant: clarifying my values

I wrote last week about struggling with this card (also my "soul" card) -- as representing the themes of institutional conformity and traditional, hierarchical structures. but. if, however, I think about this card as inviting me into the role of spiritual leadership / being a guide for others in the esoteric arts of creative magic -- (since creativity IS very much a spiritual force), the hierophant begins to feel more resonant and expansive.

this past week, I started writing and outlining Episode 2 of botanical studies -- an episode about the process of wayfinding, in which I share the phases of my own journey through figuring out how to be / survive / thrive as an artist in the world.

but the more I wrote, the longer the episode became -- until after 10 hours of writing, it became a 4,950 word piece, in which I reflected on all the stages in which I "rebelled" (consciously or not) on the traditional structures and paths I saw laid out before me. I've decided to break that episode down into a multi-part series, because I think it's crucial to know what we're turning against when we forge a new vision or path forwards -- and why, and what values we're choosing, in doing so.

I'm deepening in the realization, then, that part of what the Hierophant asks of me IS to both be the spiritual/creative leader in claiming a new set of values/frameworks in moving forwards -- AND to actively grapple with the institutions I'm turning away from, and why. in the creation of Episode 2 of my podcast, this card is telling me there's deeper threads to follow, and to keep putting my finger on the pulse of that energy.

four of swords: a liminal portal practice

this is also, perhaps, the third time this month that I've drawn this card. I can interpret this card as a literal card of REST -- that is, this past week, I've been trying to be more deliberate and conscientious about my sleep schedule. I tend to be a light sleeper - my body likes the early morning, and will want to wake me up at 5:30, or 6:30, even though I live with a night owl, and went to bed late.

last week, I started experimenting with an afternoon nap routine: in which, somewhere around 3 or 4 pm everyday, I changed into pajamas, closed the curtains, and attempted a nap for 30-60 minutes. I'm at the very beginning of my explorations into napping as an deliberate practice, and I think this card suggests that there's more treasures there to be excavated.

I also get the sense that perhaps -- this card doesn't need to be about literal sleep, but also related to the act of accessing the subconscious, the liminal spaces of the psyche -- through meditation, body scan, visualizations, dream work, or yoga nidra.

I'm leaning into the spaces where that liminal energy feels especially potent -- where I can feel my subconscious start to emerge and speak to me. whereas I used to feel a bit scattered and overwhelmed by its rush of creative energy, these days, I'm sensing into how that liminal portal can bring me so many gifts, and creative threads, and an emergent sense of clarity...

side note: in many senses, this feels like such the opposite of five of wands -- which I drew in this card position last week. what does it mean to lay down not only my wands (energy), but also my swords (the mind, the intellect), to put three above me, and one below me?

ace of pentacles: embodiment & materialization

last week, I drew the ace of wands. it was the week I launched my podcast and felt a rushing of creative energy -- even as I was very hazy and uncertain as to how the project would unfold.

the ace of pentacles speaks to me as a card that contains the seed and body for materialization -- that is, an act of planting, cultivation, as well as harvesting the fruit. it is an invitation into undertaking a material journey -- and -- an opening into a deep embodiment practice.

I'm thinking about how this invitation for embodiment -- for the body -- relates to the creative life. how can my body give me insight and wisdom in my own day-to-day dance with creative energy? (through napping, walks, sensing, body-mind practices).

as it begins to feel more like spring in istanbul, I'm thinking of how I can spend time outside -- through cafe dates, ferry rides, walking adventures -- and still be in the work. (or not).

The alchemy that I've devoted my life to IS transforming immaterial energy (ideas, creative juice) into the creative material (art, creations, worlds) and the even more, worldly-material (relationships, collaborations, influence, power, money). Most of this happens through world-building: my own expression of the density of my flow.

perhaps this ace of pentacles is inviting me into dual practices -- that of embodiment (sensing, being in the real world), and material alchemy -- as I'm beginning to reimagine my "work with me" page, and other offering containers.

the message

in simmering with these three cards, the message feels clear.

i'm being invited on an adventure of creative embodiment and materialization (ace of pentacles) -- that is, to project my creative energy outwards, and expand my universe of ideas/creations/art/offerings -- through incorporating my liminal practices (four of swords) and serving as a spiritual-creative guide for others (the hierophant), through a clear distillation of values and ethos.

see more:

tarot work diaries