sanity exercises for the obsessive mind

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  1. take a 6 hour train ride away from your foreign country to an even more foreign country. feel acutely the discomfort; the further disorientation and confusion.

  2. buy yourself frivolous flavors of ice cream and eat it while walking an unfamiliar street in aforementioned foreign city.

  3. choose a cafe with a smiley owner with whom you can only exchange three words. sit outside. accept his offer of cacao and cinnamon for your coffee.

  4. return to the original foreign country — only for it to feel like a gentle, familiar place (familiarity is relative, afterall).

  5. message acquaintances you haven’t spoken to in a year - just to remember that there are other people in the world.

  6. do something very out-of-character, like binge watching a TV show in bed - at least 3 episodes.

  7. organize life and travel logistics — get so wrapped up in it that it feels like an addiction-compulsion greater than any other (if only for a day). feel a sense of great satisfaction when the problem is solved.

  8. lay in bed alone in the early morning and do nothing except stare at the ceiling - only if you are capable of not thinking about anything.

  9. wake up at 4:15 am, when you feel like you’re the only person alive in the world, and enjoy the rare summer darkness. write some half coherent dream vomit.

  10. get yourself invited to a secret milonga on the outskirts of the city, and dance with almost anyone who asks. for good karma.

  11. talk to strangers just so you remember that you know how.

  12. ride a bike home in the rain, after a milonga, after midnight, and feel how this is the mundane and joyous part of living in a new city. this is it.

ongoing list of exercises. last updated july 1 2021