on being part cloud, part balloon


from my october newsletter: loving an animal

istanbul is a city of stray dogs and cats -- but it's the birds that Luna is most interested in. for a creature who spends much of her time sniffing the ground, I'm startled by how much levitational energy she has, how engrained the instinct to chase things with wings: sparrows, pigeons, crows, seagulls, chickens. it feels like she could almost fly; like she could take me with her.

she has a gentle moon soul, but a wandering cloud energy.


i call her luna-balloonna

I call her luna-balloona, because this is how I feel when I'm walking her outside. like I'm constantly attached to a fluffy, white balloon. if I let go of the string, this balloon will fly away fast, and will (eventually) return if I call her name, but this takes a bit of effort. my balloon has a strong will of her own.

she is a wanderer -- a dog historically bred by siberian nomads for reindeer herding. discovering and seeking out the things that make her excited makes me inexplicably happy -- car rides, open nature for running and sniffing off-leash, bright balls, chewing bones, yogurt, playing hide-and-go seek --

it is an unfamiliar flavor of happiness that I've not known; a pure, animal happiness that lasts for 5 minutes -- without complication, without analysis, without afterthought.


more: luna diaries, or read my newsletter about her