money as a circle, process, & practice


today I’ve just arrived in my hometown after 6 years away, so I will return to unpack this post and expand on its themes — later, maybe next week.

at the end of doing my taxes last weekend (described in this comic), I came to the realization that money is a circle — not a line. by circle I mean: a flowing, circular, interconnected, ongoing process. in retrospect, this seems obvious — except our society likes to reduce everything to a balance sheet. inflow/outflow.

the circular model is freeing.

if truly embraced, it’s paradigm shifting.

if money is a circle, then taxes simply represent ONE point on the circle — not the end destination.

where is the beginning of that circle?

money energetics

if money is a circle, then perhaps, money is also a creative practice. it is something we create with our energy, beliefs, desires, creative force.

the rest of this post is coming later


💌 I write a weekly newsletter on creative alchemy & world-building called guide.notes. I also have a podcast: botanical studies of internet magic.