be the container

a sea poem bowl i made years ago, in brooklyn

a sea poem bowl i made years ago, in brooklyn

be the container for any and all energies which need to be held. when i feel like my emotions are too much to handle, I imagine myself and my body as an infinite vessel; spacious enough to hold anything, yet free enough to let it all go. containing is different from ruminating (which I am also very good at) ā€” because the act of becoming a vessel is conscious, rather than uncontrolled bitterness. it is an act of softness and power, rather than a thickening of dark fog. being a container for oneself (and subsequently, for others) is choosing to practice radical acceptance for whatever comes in the flow of life. being okay with it. it is making your emotions like birds, and your chest like an infinite atrium.

Kening Zhuemotions