a single day without watermelon is a wasted day

I pay myself in watermelon in order to endure this heat.

things I love-hate about summer — day 1

every summer, I start complaining about how this is my least favorite season, how the heat makes me sleepy and uncomfortable, how I hate summer crowds, tourists, and party people sitting around outside…

but perhaps because I live in an extraordinarily seasonally well-balanced city, in a country with very good fruit — I recently realized that summer is all about savoring the small, sensual pleasures, such as eating watermelon.

and technically, there’s only 1 month left of summer.

that means that in a blink of an eye, it will be fall. and while I don’t love summer, what I do love (or have an compulsive urge to do) is to notice and (do my best to) embrace ephemerality.

summer is not my favorite season, but I have decided to celebrate it — as best as I can — by drawing a picture a day for the remainder of summer — to capture its essence.

so, I’m making [a visual list / experimental book] of all the things I love-hate about summer, so that one winter day, shivering under the covers, I can look back through this collection, and be grateful that we have such things as seasons.

page 1 — single day without watermelon is a wasted day.

I pay myself in watermelon in order to endure this heat.

I think I literally felt uncomfortable, annoyed, irritated on the days when I didn’t eat watermelon…