a resource rich awareness


sometimes I need to deliberately remind myself that I am (you are) resource-rich, resource-full, resource-abundant in so many areas of life — and that this mere access to resources — is, in itself, such a privilege. to be resource rich IS to be rich — and I’m not talking about money, status, or connections.

it is easy to feel swallowed by a feeling of scarcity — no matter where you are — a sinking sensation of not doing, or being, or performing, or executing enough. and in the era when the plague of not-enough-ness is the existential status quo, the first step to counteracting the disease is to practice consistent awareness of resource wealth: to be extremely conscious about what you have access to, even if you don’t use it to its fullest capacity. yet.

when I remind myself that I have all the resources for executing on any and all of my desires — and extremely clear with myself as to what they are — I feel much more empowered. I’m aware that the only thing in my way is me; my own limiting notions of what is possible.

and by resource, I mean tools and sources of knowledge, wisdom, strength, support, comfort, inspiration, experience. everything and anything can be a resource: female friends, old journals entries, notes to self, books, learning apps, personal rituals, sacred places, creative practices, poems, songs, quotes. we live in a resource abundant world — if only we know how to use it.

if I desire, for instance, to improve my language skills, flow more effortlessly into my creative work, soothe my existential and emotional turmoil, nurture my business projects, the first step to any of those tasks is simply remind myself of a simple fact:

that I have everything I need to do what I want.

then, perhaps I make a list of all the resources that I have, and/or what part of (me) is blocking my way. and then, I start practicing doing what I want.

Kening Zhu