a manual stone clock

a place beyond time .jpg

this is how i keep track of time these days. I made this manual clock from stones I collected in the southern tip of italy. somehow it is the process of arranging the stones and marking time (of beginning something), then watching the light change and marking time (of ending something); this act of bracketing an event — that I feel most intensely. this is how I feel time inside of me; as both a parenthesis and an event happening. it is a function of light and dark, of stones and space. why do we need to know — exactly, the hour and the minute? time lives in me, through me, like the breath through my body. time is marked by my hunger and thirst, and by my changing tide of emotion and feeling, by the mind’s activity and my body’s needs for rest. this is time by feeling; and through it, I can find a space, a place even beyond time.

a place beyond time_2.jpg
Kening Zhutime, art