a garden with a house

i was inspired today — by wave hill public garden, bronx - nyc

i was inspired today — by wave hill public garden, bronx - nyc


one day, I would like to have a house which feels more like a garden — where you can sleep and work and live — than a house with a garden as afterthought.

the garden is the house.

the house would be 80% living green things, and 20% functional furniture things.

I’ll have a small table for working, a nook for hosting company, a simple little kitchen, a bathroom. a hammock for watching stars. all the pottery — handmade by me.

I’ll make art out of plants, and I’ll make my plants into art. I’ll invite my friends to come stay there and care for the space while I’m away.

it will be a vessel for plants and trees — and me. I am just a more complicated flower-tree.

this house exists now already, in my mind.

and one day, it will exist in reality.

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wave hill public garden, nyc