Posts tagged in transit
train from berlin to warsaw

i took a train from berlin to warsaw this past weekend — and sat twelve hours on the train, looking outside the window, where there were fields strewn with bright orange wildflowers (poppies?) and strips of purple. the trees were a foggy dark green. i sat in a compartment with four other people — all of us masked — and felt so hot and sweaty i could barely stand the feeling of my own hair. germans are not a fan of AC. okay, well, fine, then.

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traveling by ferry

the ferry: from wall street pier to the rockaways

here, aboard a ferry, traveling by water — is when you realize slow truths: about why you're here, where you come from, and where this life might be taking you. I run around the city for two months, and then escape to its peripheries by water. the experience of sitting in the window seat of an empty boat (or plane, or train, or bus) creates a liminal space for the mind to unfold, and breathe. this is why I never watch movies while traveling. I let the movies of my own mind take a break, and just inhale the experience of movement.

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