A Postcard from Chicago (For Kevin)


A Postcard Between Us is an illustration project from my road trip this summer.
You select a location on my trip, and I'll make you a postcard from that place. 

For this postcard, I decided to create an illustrated map of my brief stay in Chicago, inspired by one of my oldest side projects, Wandermaps, which captures illustrated narratives of cities. Kevin found me through my wandermaps website, and after a few email exchanges, we arranged to meet for coffee in downtown Chicago. We had a great conversation about our respective work, mapmaking, and design thinking. I decided to send him a wandermaps-style postcard of Chicago! 

From Kevin: 

I'm a designer, educator, and writer. I research the many ways people 'think on paper/screen' to help them solve problems, generate ideas, or just exercise their creative cognitive muscles. I'm a native of Chicago where I teach full time (Columbia College Chicago). I'm particularly interested in the intersection of media- text, image, moving image, audio. 

Why Chicago: 

I'm from 'here' although I've lived in other places. I have a lot of specific associations with Chicago as a native, such as my love of the lake, the elevated train system, the architecture, the museums, and the neighborhoods. I love much of what the city is or means and hate much of it -- the divisions based on race and wealth. It's a sort of blue collar frontier town that has grown up very recently and shed many of those earlier attributes, although they are always there. I'd love to hear what an outsider or visitor thinks about the city and find out what a visitor sees that I've missed.


Process Sketch:
