a 30 minute centering ritual

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these days while traveling, I've found a renewed appreciation for morning rituals — as a daily means of nourishing and centering myself, no matter what emotional and physical place I'm in. I wanted to log and share a simple 30 min centering ritual that I practice — which never fails to make me feel better: more centered, calm, and soothed. I hope it helps you, too.

10 min | a gentle yoga practice

I really love her yoga channel — she has such a calming voice, clear instructions, and an unpretentious, grounded approach to yoga. any of her 10 minute videos are good — and even just 10 minutes makes such a huge difference. here's one:

5 min | a breath practice

I like to do alternate nostril breathing while listening to a song. you can use any song between 3-5 minutes. here's one of my esoteric, go-to pieces of music I use for breath practice.

5 min | make a nourishing drink

don't underestimate the power of making tea. you boil water, let the tea steep, drink it. but I think it's more than the tea itself, but the act of making yourself something nourishing to drink, the act of hydrating yourself — signifying love, attention, care — that helps to replenish the body and soul. coffee is good, too, just a different vibe.

10 min | free write

once I have my cup of tea, I sit down and write in my journal — and let whatever comes out, come out. this is me creating a space to let my raw, unfiltered mind fall onto the page, as ungracefully as it wants to. the act of movement and release, of witnessing my own life. whatever I'm thinking, feeling, experiencing. in the moment, and perhaps the recent past. somehow, this experience is also about the process of seeing: myself. holding space for myself.


more practices for wellbeing
on morning rituals